Installation Inventory
Contact David Jones

Svengali.dll and Mural.dll must be present on the Dolphin run path. This will typically mean copying them to the Dolphin installation directory, or your Windows directory.

The Svengali Dolphin packages can be placed anywhere. By default they will be in the Packages\Svengali subdirectory of your Dolphin installation directory. You will find it convenient to have all the packages within the same directory, as prerequisite packages will then be found automatically during loading.

The documentation for Svengali is supplied as a number of HTML documents, with their supporting graphics. By default they will be within the Packages\Svengali\Documentation subdirectory of your Dolphin installation directory. The directory may be moved, but you must ensure that the Svengali>>defaultDocumentationPath method is updated if you wish to access the help from within Dolphin.