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Class RealSpace

Non-arithmetic space of real numbers in which only certain positions are explicitly representable. In this release, the only exactly representable numbers are those real numbers which can be represented in IEEE64 (double precision) format. Future releases may make more real numbers representable.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper CoordinateSpace
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-tumbler

Class Methods


Overrides: CoordinateSpace class




makeRcvr: rcvr

Instance Methods

above: val with: inclusive

The region consisting of all positions >= val if inclusive, or all > val if not inclusive.


is equal to any basic space on the same category of positions

Overrides: CoordinateSpace

after: val

The region consisting of all position >= val.
Should this just be supplanted by CoordinateSpace::region ()?

before: val

The region consisting of all position <= val
Should this just be supplanted by CoordinateSpace::region ()?

below: val with: inclusive

The region consisting of all positions <= val if inclusive, or all < val if not inclusive.


Overrides: CoordinateSpace

interval: start with: stop

Return a region of all numbers >= lower and < upper.

isEqual: anObject

is equal to any basic space on the same category of positions

Overrides: CoordinateSpace

position: val

The XuReal representing the same real number as that exactly represented by 'val'. If 'val' doesn't represent a real number (ie., it is an infinity or a NAN), then this message BLASTs. If 'val' is a negative zero, it is silently converted to a positive zero

sendSelfTo: xmtr

strictlyAfter: val

The region consisting of all position > val
Should this just be supplanted by CoordinateSpace::region ()?
Add Boolean to after to say whether its inclusive?

strictlyBefore: val

The region consisting of all position < val
Should this just be supplanted by CoordinateSpace::region ()?
Add Boolean to before to say whether its inclusive?

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