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Class PropChange

Each concrete class has just one canonical instance and no state. A PropChange is used to represent which property aspect changed (such as permission vs endorsement vs both).

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Immediate Subclasses: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-props

Class Methods









Returns the canonical PropChange object for propagating the properties that result from installing a recorder (permissions and endorsement filters). A better name would be recorderPropChange

Instance Methods


areEqualPropJoints: a with: b

compare the changed parts of two PropJoints

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

areEqualProps: a with: b

compare the changed parts of two Props

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

changed: old with: a

Return a Prop which is the same as 'old' for aspects which I don't represent as changing, and 'a' for aspects that I do represent as changing.

This is used to replace Props with minimum effort, given that the 'a' parameter has only new props which are of the aspect this change replaces, while the 'old' parameter starts as the original set of Props, perhaps including other aspects.

See also: with:with:, which unions rather than replacing.

Overrides: Object
Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

changedJoint: old with: a

Return a PropJoint which is the same as 'old' for aspects which I don't represent as changing, and 'a' for aspects that I do represent as changing.

This is used to replace PropJoints with minimum effort, given that the 'a' parameter has only new PropJoints which are of the aspect this change replaces, while the 'old' parameter starts as the original set of PropJoints, perhaps including other aspects.

See also: change:with:, which does this for Props rather than PropJoints.

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

fetchFinder: before with: after

fetchFinder: before with: after with: element

fetchFinder: before with: after with: element with: oldFinder

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange BertPropChange SensorPropChange PermissionsChange

finderPartFrom: finder

isEqual: other

isEqualToJointOf: a with: b

compare the changed parts of a PropJoint and a Prop

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange BertPropChange SensorPropChange PermissionsChange


whether this is a complete change of props

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

join: old with: a with: b

combine two PropJoints with minimum effort, given the previous result

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

joinProp: old with: a with: b with: prop

combine two PropJoints and a prop with minimum effort, given the previous result

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

with: old with: a

Return a Prop which is the same as 'old' for aspects which I don't represent as changing, and the union of 'old' and 'a' for aspects that I do represent as changing.

This is used to accumulate changes to Props with minimum effort, given that the 'a' parameter has only new props which are of the aspect this change changes, while the 'old' parameter starts as the original set of Props, perhaps including other aspects.

See also changed:with:, which replaces rather than unioning.

Overridden by: CannotPartializeChange DetectorWaitingChange EndorsementsChange FullPropChange PermissionsChange

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